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Healthy Snacking Tips and Ideas!

Healthy Snacking Tips and Ideas!

Lots of my clients ask for help with snack ideas so I thought I would share some of my top tips for healthy snacking and some of my favourite go to snacks.

Why is healthy snacking important? 

Despite the bad press that snacking sometimes gets, eating the right snacks can can be good for you. They help to keep you full, balance your blood sugar levels and provide energy between meals. They can even boost your overall nutrient intake!

However, as I'm sure you are aware, the key to keeping your weight in check whilst snacking is making the right choices. It's very easy to grab the wrong snacks on impulse especially when you are tired and stressed. And wrong snack choices can amount to a lot of additional calories and a lot of sugar very quickly if you aren't careful.

So how can you make the right choices?


When you do your supermarket shop make sure that you account for your healthy snacks too (along with the kids snacks!) and add them to the shopping list. Plan what you are going to have for the week and stick to it.


When you prepare the children's snacks or lunchbox, prepare your own snack at the same time, put it in a box and store it in the fridge. This will make you less likely to make the wrong choices and impulse pick.

Smart Swaps

This might sound obvious but if you know that you are someone who craves sugar in the afternoon then find a healthy sweet alternative for that time of day. The same goes for savoury or salty. Although the healthier option may not seem as appealing, once you have had a couple of bites you might find that it is surprisingly satisfying and you won't make you feel guilty!

A big glass of water

Before you have your snack have a big glass of water...it may take away some of those hunger pangs leaving you less likely to over indulge.

Allow yourself some treats!

Denying yourself permanently is no fun at all!  I always advocate the 80/20 rule, eat clean 80% of the time but allow yourself a little bit of something you love occasionally. Just don't overdo it!

Here some of some of my favourite easy, healthy snacks...

  • Oatcakes sandwiched together with a layer of natural peanut, almond, cashew or other nut butter
  • Chopped apple spread with a tablespoon of peanut/almond butter
  • Chopped veg with a tablespoon of hummus 
  • Rude Health Multigrain Crackers spread with some avocado or tahini
  • A thin slice of apple bread with nut butter or ricotta
  • Natural yogurt with some cinnamon 
  • Kid Friendly Protein Balls
  • A hardboiled egg
  • Tuna mixed mixed with natural yogurt, a squeeze of lemon and some chives with chopped cucumber
  • Cottage cheese mixed with some chives or herbs
  • Trail mix made with almonds, cashews and your choice of seeds. Roast for a few minutes in a little extra virgin olive oil and sprinkle with cinnamon (cinnamon is very good at stabilising blood sugar levels)
  • Low GI fruit such as Berries with a hand full of nuts
  • A couple of squares of high quality dark (at least 70%) chocolate


Hoping that you find these healthy snacking tips and ideas helpful. It's always good to mix things up and have  variety in your diet so why not give them a go!

If you need any bespoke advice or are interested in hearing more about the services that we offer then feel free to contact me at tessa@tessafanshawe.com.


Our vision at Tessa Fanshawe Fitness to make fitness fun and sociable. To create a warm and friendly fitness community where women support each other to be the best they can be. 

Based in Petersfield, Hampshire we offer a range of personal training services for women. We want to show women that fitness isn't about creating the perfect body, it's about feeling good. 

We want to empower women and show them that exercise can be fun so that it becomes something that they 'want to do' rather than just something they are 'told to do'. It's about feeling energised, happy and strong so you can make the most out of life

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Tessa Fanshawe Fitness is based in Petersfield, Hampshire.

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