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Sugar Free Apple Bread

Sugar Free Apple Bread

This Sugar Free Apple Bread is definitely a favourite in our house. The apples in the bread provide a subtle sweetness so it's lovely on it's own or topped with nut butter, honey or ricotta cheese.

It's super easy, I made this loaf with my 2 year old daughter yesterday. There are a few apples to grate so I just used the grater attachment on the Magimix and it took no time at all.

The recipe uses wholemeal spelt flour but I think it would work just as well using regular wholemeal flour.


450 g (3 cups) grated apple - I used Braeburn 

2 teaspoons baking power

1/4 teaspoon sea salt (optional - I don't add it)

3 free range eggs 

1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil or coconut oil

1/2 - 1 teaspoon cinnamon (depending on taste)

1 teaspoon vanilla bean paste or extract

2 cups (260 g)  wholemeal spelt flour


Grate the apples and add to a bowl with the wet ingredients and baking powder. Stir well. Add the spelt flour being careful not to over mix, just until it's combined.

Spoon into a lined loaf tin and put into a preheated oven (180c) for 45 mins to an hour. Check after 45 mins and place foil on top if needed. The bread is ready when a skewer inserted comes out clean

Recipe taken from: https://www.thehealthychef.com/2013/04/apple-cinnamon-bread/ 

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