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The Perfect Plank... Plus a Home Challenge for You!

The Perfect Plank... Plus a Home Challenge for You!

The Plank is a bit like marmite, you either love it or you hate it! It's one of those exercises that fills many people with dread but it's definitely one that is worth pursuing because when done correctly it is one of THE best ways to build a super strong core. 

It strengthens your abdominals, bottom, upper thighs, arms and shoulders. It can also be done anywhere (in your own home, in the park, on holiday) it requires no equipment and you can see progression and an increase in strength quite quickly. Plus once you get really good it can become a great party trick - plank off at your next dinner party anyone?!

Personally I love planks and pretty much most of my clients workout sessions and my own workouts incorporate some form of plank exercise. Once you have the base position sorted there are so many variations and ways to mix them up and challenge yourself and afterwards they can give you a real sense of achievement.

So in a bid to 'push the plank' and help to increase your core strength here are a few tips to get you going. I have also included a home challenge which if done correctly it can bring most novices from a holding a plank for a few seconds to holding a plank for 2 mins in 30 days*

Why on earth would you want to do the Plank?!!

1. It builds a stronger core

Planking will help build your deep inner core muscles that lay the groundwork for that flatter tummy. As your abdominal muscles become stronger, your mid-section will tighten.

Keep in mind, however, that in order to really get a flatter tummy you have to shed fat and that you can't spot reduce body fat!

2. It helps to reduce back pain

Planks help to reduce bank pain, they require minimal movement while contracting all layers of the abdominal fascia. This will not only strengthen your core, which has the pleasant “side effect” of reducing back pain they also strengthen your back muscles, especially those in your upper back. 

3. It improves your balance and posture

To do a plank correctly, you must engage your abs and other muscles of the core and trunk to stay upright. If you do planks regularly, you’ll find you’re able to sit or stand up straighter with ease

4. It increases your flexibility

While building strength, planks also increase flexibility in your posterior muscle groups. The muscles around your shoulders, collarbone, and shoulder blades will expand and stretch (an area that often receives little attention), as will your hamstrings and even the arches of your feet and your toes.

If you do a side plank, you can also stretch out your sides (especially if you extend your arm up over your head in line with your body).

5. It can improves your mood

Virtually every exercise has the potential to give you a mood boost, and planks are no exception. Planks are unique, however, in that they help stretch and ultimately relax muscles groups that often become stiff and tense from prolonged sitting. The tension release that planks provide is uplifting for your mind and your spirit.

The Perfect Plank

Lie on your tummy with your fists clasped, elbows pushed into your sides by your ribs, your forearms on the floor and your toes tucked under

Push your body up so that you are resting on your forearms and feet. You need to make sure you are in a a straight line from your head to your heels and that your neck is parallel to the floor.

As you hold the position make sure that you engage your pelvic floor, squeeze the muscles in your bottom and thighs and push your heels together ( to engage the thighs and bottom muscles more)

Try to relax your facial muscles, you could even smile!

What are the common Plank mistakes?

Mistake 1: Collapsing or dipping the lower back

The Fix: Instead of compromising the lower back by dipping the bum, engage the core by imagining your belly button pulling in toward the spine. This will help keep the torso flat, and in turn, the spine safe.

Mistake 2: Reaching the bum towards the sky

The Fix: Planks aren’t supposed to look like a downward dog. To really get the core working the way it should in the plank position, keep your back flat enough so your abs feel engaged from top (below the sternum) to bottom (directly below the belt)

Mistake 3: Rounding the Shoulders

The Fix: The body should be completely in line from the head down to the feet. Hunching the shoulders puts stress on the upper and lower spine, the neck muscles and can also affect the posture. As you hold your plank make sure that you draw your shoulder blades together and down.

Mistake 4: Letting the Head Drop 

The Fix: While the focus may be on keeping the hips, butt, and back in the proper position, form isn’t only about the core and the lower body in this move. It’s important to think of the head and neck as an extension of your back. Keep your eyes on the floor, letting them rest about a foot in front of the hands, which will help keep the neck in a neutral position.

Mistake 5: Forgetting to breathe!

The Fix: It’s human nature to hold your breath when in a strenuous position for a period of time. But, denying yourself oxygen can bring on dizziness or nausea, which are unpleasant at best and dangerous at worst.

Mistake 6: Focusing too much on the time

The Fix: Quality trumps the quantity of seconds ticking away when it comes to the plank. When your form begins to suffer, it’s time to stop, If the back begins to bow or the shoulders start to sink in, take a breather

The 30 day Plank challenge

Why not give it a go...!

 Let us know how you go... Good Luck!

* Dependent on a number of different factors including health status, fitness levels etc...

You should consult your physician or other health care professional before starting this or any other fitness program to determine if it is right for your needs. If you experience faintness, dizziness, pain or shortness of breath at any time while exercising you should stop immediately

Tessa Fanshawe Fitness will not be responsible or liable for any injury sustained while exercising at your home, gym or elsewhere 

Hoping you have found these tips helpful. If you need any advice or are interested in hearing more about the services that we offer then feel free to contact me at tessa@tessafanshawe.com or check out our website at www.tessafanshawe.com


Our vision at Tessa Fanshawe Fitness is to make fitness fun and sociable. To create a warm and friendly fitness community where women support each other to be the best they can be. 

Based in Petersfield, Hampshire we want to show women that fitness isn't about creating the perfect body, it's about feeling good. 

We want to empower women and show them that exercise can be fun so that it becomes something that they 'want to do' rather than just something they are 'told to do'. It's about feeling energised, happy and strong so you can make the most out of life

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Tessa Fanshawe Fitness is based in Petersfield, Hampshire.

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